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手 shou

Home Pinyin shou

爱不释手 àibùshìshǒu i can’t put it down

扒手 bāshǒu pickpocket; shoplifter

把手 bǎshǒu handle; knob

扳手 bānshǒu spanner; wrench

帮手 bāngshǒu aider; helper; helpmate

捕手 bǔshǒu captor; catcher; wicketkeeper

插手 chāshǒu meddle; meddling

车手 chēshǒu driver; racer; racers

趁手 chènshǒu conveniently

出手 chūshǒu shot

触手 chùshǒu tentacle

措手不及 cuòshǒubùjí unprepared

打手 dǎshǒu beater

到手 dàoshǒu get it

得手 déshǒu succeed

动手 dòngshǒu hands-on

短手 duǎnshǒu short-handed

对手 duìshǒu adversaries; adversary; antagonist; opponent; opponents; rival; rivals

舵手 duòshǒu helmsman

二手 èrshǒu second hand; second-hand

二手房 èrshǒu fáng second-hand house

反手 fǎnshǒu backhand; backhanded

放手 fàngshǒu let go

分手 fēnshǒu break up; parted

扶手 fúshǒu armrest; handrail; handrails

高手 gāoshǒu master; virtuosity

歌手 gēshǒu singer; vocalist

拱手 gǒngshǒu submissively

鼓手 gǔshǒu drummer

划手 huáshǒu oarsmen

挥手 huīshǒu wave; waved

棘手 jíshǒu intractability; intractable; knotty; thornier; thorny; trickier

浆手 jiāngshǒu paddler

举手 jǔ shǒu raise your hand

举手投足 jǔshǒutóuzú raise your hand

举手之劳 jǔshǒuzhīláo raise your hand

空手 kōngshǒu empty hand

拉手 lāshǒu handle

联手 liánshǒu join hands

两手 liǎngshǒu two hands; two-handed

拿手 náshǒu good

能手 néngshǒu expert

炮手 pàoshǒu gunner

骑手 qíshǒu horseman

旗手 qíshǒu bearer

枪手 qiāngshǒu gunman; gunmen

抢手 qiǎngshǒu hot; marksman; sought-after

亲手 qīnshǒu personally

人手 rénshǒu manpower

入手 rùshǒu start

撒手 sā shǒu let go

杀手 shāshǒu killer; killers; slayer

上手 shàngshǒu get started; overhand

射手 shèshǒu archer; marksmen; shooter

伸手 shēnshǒu reach out

身手 shēnshǒu skill

失手 shīshǒu missed

手背 shǒubèi back of the hand

手臂 shǒubì arm

手表 shǒubiǎo watch; wristwatch

手柄 shǒubǐng handle

手册 shǒucè handbook; manual; manuals

手持 shǒuchí hand-held; handhold

手袋 shǒudài handbag; handbags

手电筒 shǒudiàntǒng flashlight

手动 shǒudòng manually

手段 shǒuduàn means

手法 shǒufǎ gimmick; manipulation

手感 shǒugǎn feel

手稿 shǒugǎo manuscript; manuscripts

手工 shǒugōng manual

手滑 shǒu huá hand slip

手机 shǒujī handset; handsets; mobiles; phones

手脚 shǒujiǎo hands and feet

手铐 shǒukào handcuff; handcuffs; manacles

手快 shǒukuài hand fast

手链 shǒuliàn bracelet

手忙脚乱 Shǒumángjiǎoluàn busy

手帕 shǒupà handkerchief; handkerchiefs

手气 shǒuqì hand

手枪 shǒuqiāng handgun; pistol; pistols

手球 shǒuqiú handball

手软 shǒuruǎn soft hand

手势 shǒushì gesture; gestured; gestures

手术 shǒushù operation; operative; surgery; surgically

手套 shǒutào glove; gloves; mitt; mitten; mittens; mitts

手提 shǒutí portable

手提包 shǒutí bāo handbag

手头 shǒutóu at hand

手腕 shǒuwàn finesse; wrist

手握 shǒu wò hand grip

手下 shǒuxià under the hand

手写 shǒuxiě handwriting

手心 shǒuxīn palm

手性 shǒuxìng chiral

手续 shǒuxù formalities; formality

手续费 shǒuxù fèi handling fee

手痒 shǒu yǎng hand itchy

手艺 shǒuyì craft; craftsmanship; handiwork

手淫 shǒuyín masturbate; masturbation

手掌 shǒuzhǎng palm

手杖 shǒuzhàng canes

手爪 shǒuzhǎo gripper

手指 shǒuzhǐ finger; fingers

手指头 shǒu zhǐtou finger

手镯 shǒuzhuó bangles; bracelet; bracelets

手足 shǒuzú hand and foot

双手 shuāngshǒu hands

水手 shuǐshǒu mariner; sailor

顺手 shùnshǒu smoothly

松手 sōngshǒu let go

随手 suíshǒu handy

摊手 tān shǒu spread hands

投手 tóushǒu pitcher

握手 wòshǒu handshake; shake hands; shook

洗手 xǐshǒu washing hands

洗手间 xǐshǒujiān toilet

下手 xiàshǒu start; underhand

携手 xiéshǒu join hands

新手 xīnshǒu neophyte; novice; novices

凶手 xiōngshǒu killer; murderer

选手 xuǎnshǒu contestant; player

一手 yīshǒu one hand

右手 yòushǒu right hand; right-hand

招手 zhāoshǒu beckon; beckoned; wave

正手 zhèngshǒu forehand

执手 zhí shǒu handle

指手画脚 zhǐshǒuhuàjiǎo to be indiscreet

住手 zhùshǒu stop

助手 zhù shǒu acolyte; aide; assistant

着手 zhuóshǒu start

左手 zuǒshǒu left hand; left-hand

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce